Acupuncture originates from traditional Chinese medicine but is today widely accepted by the western world as an effective tool to relieve pain and treat a range of medical conditions.
What is Acupuncture?
Traditional practitioners believe that an energy force known as Qi flows through the body; when Qi is insufficient, unbalanced or obstructed, it can lead to illness or injury. Acupuncture is about restoring the balance of Qi to bring you back to full health.
Our Physios mainly use Western evidence based acupuncture & base their treatment on evidence that acupuncture stimulates nerves and muscle tissue, resulting in a change to the patient’s perception of pain.
The practice causes the body to produce natural, pain-relieving hormones such as endorphins, reduces muscle spasm, stimulates the immune system and generally relaxes the person.
Our Physio's have undergone further training to administer acupuncture and are all regulated by the AACP Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists and the clinic is registered with the Local Environmental Health Department.
What is involved?
The therapist will insert very fine flexible sterile, single use, disposable needles into the skin at particular points of the body. Exactly where on the body will depend on the person’s specific symptoms. Treatment tends to last 20 – 30 minutes but can be longer.
Are there any side effects?
Acupuncture is recommended by many health care professionals because it has few side effects. Acupuncture is most effective when undertaken as course of treatment. The most common side affect is simply a feeling of well-being , stress reduction and improved sleep – what’s not to like?
Is it right for me?
There is conclusive, scientific evidence to show that acupuncture can offer relief to people of all ages, suffering from a wide range of conditions including:
Does acupuncture actually work?
Many of our patients have experienced great benefits from acupuncture treatment and we believe strongly in its use as a complementary therapy. We will often use acupuncture along side physiotherapy treatment and find this enhances the benefits gained. Your physiotherapist will always discuss this with you first and gain your consent. You will be asked to sign a consent form. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss whether it could be the right option for you.
Call 01942 321235 Today to discuss any treatment