Your physiotherapist will focus on addressing correct muscle recruitment patterns, restoring muscle strength and timing of activation, joint stability. We will slowly introduce sport specific training to ensure the injured tissue can meet the demands of the activity and ensuring you are fit to return to sport. Advise re specific strength and conditioning exercises, to improve your strength and stability to reduce the risk of further injury.
Sports injuries can include ligament sprains, muscle tears, joint dislocations and subluxations, fractured bones, cartilage tears (meniscus damage), tendinitis, tendonopathy, sportsmans hernias, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, rotator cuff damage, plantar fasciitis, intervertebral disc prolapse, facet joint injury, haematoma’s and concussion to name a few!
Certain risk factors can predispose athletes to sports injuries, whether this is poor biomechanics (posturing of the feet), excessive curvature (lordosis) at the spine, poor joint range of movement, poor joint stability, stiffness at the spine or excessive repetition with certain sporting skills (tennis swing, golf swing). However, it may also be that the player suffered an accident causing a muscle tear or fracture to a bone that could not be avoided. Your treatment will be tailored to your individual presentation and need/ goals.
How can Physiotherapy help following an injury in sport?
We will complete a thorough assessment in order to determine what may be causing your injury or pain and develop a treatment program accordingly. It may be that you have suffered an injury that needs a period of immobilisation (joint dislocation, fractured bone, muscle tear, rotator cuff tear, arthroscopic surgery), in which case the physiotherapist can liaise with the your surgeon (if needed) and guide you through a structured rehabilitation protocol.
At The Bridgeman Centre we can also advise patients with orthotics to correct pronation of the feet, improving lower limb biomechanics and reducing the risk of running injuries e.g Achilles tendonopathy, plantar fasciitis, illiotibial band friction syndrome, low back pain.
Please don’t hesitate to give us a call to book an assessment and we will be sure to get you back enjoying your chosen sport as soon as possible. 01942 321235