Caroline Finney
Associate Physiotherapist & Consultant AHP

Caroline Finney - BSc Hons Physiotherapy Msc Trauma and Orthopaedics MCSP, HCPC Reg AACP

Caroline graduated from the University of Salford in 2007, with a Bsc Hons in physiotherapy.  She began work in her core rotations at Southport and Ormskirk hospital in musculoskeletal outpatients, ICU, orthopaedics and the spinal injury unit and worked for 5 years at a Premier League Academy football club. 

She then specialised in musculoskeletal trauma and orthopaedics and went on to gain her Msc in Trauma and Orthopaedics.  Caroline began work in 2013 at Manchester Royal Infirmary as the Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist within the Major trauma Unit and Extended Scope Practitioner within the outpatient orthopaedic clinics. She has worked as an advanced AHP in A and E / Minor injuries service. 
Caroline currently works as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in  Frailty assessing. Caroline is an Independent non medical prescriber and acupuncture qualified.

Caroline started work at the Bridgeman Centre in 2015 and has a special interest in sporting injuries and their rehabilitation with a particular interest in knees. She uses a variety of treatments including acupuncture and kinesio taping